Date of Award

Fall 2023

Degree Type


Director of Thesis

Dr. Courtney Monroe

First Reader

Dr. Edena Guimaraes

Second Reader

Dr. Edena Guimaraes


Individuals all across the world should have equal access to healthcare. However, one’s ability to receive and afford quality care differs between countries. Comparing the differences in healthcare structures in both the UK and the US provides great insight into how certain welfare models affect patient outcomes. In this project, I discuss the functionality of the healthcare systems in the UK and the US. Then, by delving into how they relate to adolescent pregnancy patient outcomes, one can compare how the healthcare policies relate to the patient outcomes of a vulnerable population group. In both countries, adolescent mothers, those who are twenty years old or younger, and their children are at a greater risk of complications than typical-aged mothers, those in their mid-twenties and thirties. By comparing patient outcomes with healthcare structures and considering additional socio-cultural factors, public health professionals will be able to learn from each other and collaborate to create prevention and response strategies that will alleviate the increased risks that adolescent mothers are burdened with.

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© 2023, Liza Hopper

Available for download on Sunday, November 30, 2025
