"The Virtual Classroom: What can be Learned from the COVID-19 Lockdown" by James L. Nations

Date of Award

Spring 2023

Degree Type


Director of Thesis

Dr. Charles Schumpert

First Reader

Dr. Erin Carlson

Second Reader

Dr. Erin Carlson


This paper seeks to examine the teaching practices utilized during the initial COVID-19 lockdown in higher education. This forced switch to the virtual classroom forced many professors to make innovative changes to adapt to this change in teaching modality. These changes can now be examined and evaluated for potential future application. By reviewing the current literature, performing an analysis of grades from Fall 2017 through Summer 2022, and interviewing select professors at the University of South Carolina, this paper seeks to illuminate some of the potential issues that arise when adapting in-person curriculums to the virtual classroom as well as strategies to minimize these drawbacks and taking full advantage of the options this allows.

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© 2023, James L Nations
