"Consumers and Eco-labels: A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Va" by William F. Joseph

Date of Award

Spring 2023

Degree Type



Moore School of Business

Director of Thesis

Dr. Tamara Sheldon

First Reader

Dr. Sarah Carroll

Second Reader

Dr. Sarah Carroll


This research consists of an econometric analysis of the efficacy of a privatized sustainability certification model versus a proposed government-endorsed sustainability certification model within the United Sates market. Today, the widely accepted model of sustainability certification is constituted by a large market of private certifiers. By analyzing the effects of the current model and alongside the effects of a hypothetical government-endorsed system on consumer preferences for sustainably produced goods, the thesis aims to motivate further discussion into the possible benefit of adopting a government-sponsored sustainability certification system. In general, analysis of the data suggests much more promising and significant effects of the government-endorsed sustainability certification, especially for food products.

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© 2023, William F Joseph
