Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Type



Biological Sciences

Director of Thesis

Kandy T. Velázquez, Ph.D.

First Reader

Reilly T. Enos, Ph.D.

Second Reader

Reilly T. Enos, Ph.D.


Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, an immune cytokine, has demonstrated a significant role in inflammation, which causes cancer over time. However, the effects of TNF-alpha on tumor growth are relatively unknown. Its effects are mediated via TNF receptors p55 and p75, which are expressed in different cells in the body and have slight structural differences. Studies have shown that TNFR-p55 has pro-apoptotic effects, whereas TNFR-p75 transmits survival signals. However, there is limited research available on TNF receptors and colorectal cancer.

This project focuses specifically on TNFR2, or TNFR-p75, and attempts to establish whether TNFR2 inhibition in mice with colitis-induced colorectal cancer promotes tumor growth. Previous research indicates TNFR2 in colorectal cancer tissues plays a role in promoting tumorigenesis; however, the results of this study find that TNFR2 did not play a significant role in tumor growth.

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© 2022, Yvone Shametaj
