Date of Award

Fall 2021

Degree Type



Educational Studies

Director of Thesis

Dr. Kara Brown

First Reader

Mr. Paul Chaplin

Second Reader

Mr. Paul Chaplin


In Honduras and other countries globally, there is a large gap to fill in school enrolment and attendance before the Sustainable Development Goal of universal quality education can be achieved. One method that has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades is the use of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs, which serve to incentivize families in the relevant educational area of need. In Honduras, students still need to be encouraged to enroll in and regularly attend school, so this is what is primarily incentivized. The literature review of this paper compiles the takeaways of a variety of existing literature on conditional cash transfer programs in Honduras and elsewhere, to identify some apparent guidelines for effective CCTs. From the existing literature, it was concluded that CCTs must be implemented in areas that display a need for the intervention, and they also must have a design that is adaptable and individualized for the specific community, if they are to have a maximized impact on enrolment and attendance. This information sparked the creation of a questionnaire which assessed parents' educational experiences and attitudes, and which was administered to 19 families in the small village of Villa Soleada, in El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras. The purpose of conducting this research was to model one way in which the beginning stages of CCT implementation could confirm the need for intervention, acquaint program facilitators with the authentic cultures and desires of the community, and ensure that the incentives and program design as a whole are meaningful to the future beneficiaries and therefore truly enact positive change in education. The analysis of the questionnaire results displayed the plethora of connections that can be made among parents' educational experiences and attitudes, and their opinions on what incentives would be most helpful and motivating to them. The analysis process also made clear the need for certain revisions to the questionnaire and methodology, especially the need to plan for a multi-staged questionnaire to allow for a further clarification of key details. This research is important because it sheds light on how CCTs can ensure that they have a culturally relevant and respectful design that can then create meaningful and sustainable educational change in communities that demonstrate a great need, especially in Honduras.

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© 2021, Karsen Ward
