Date of Award

Spring 2019

Degree Type


Director of Thesis

Gordon Smith, PhD

First Reader

Bret Kloos, PhD

Second Reader

Bret Kloos, PhD


Justice from the Perspective of the Poor and Homeless is a report that reflects both an academic review of homelessness and qualitative reporting on how the Columbia homeless and poor populations interact with society. The aim of the thesis is to provide a wider look of just what homeless people face as they move through life in Columbia. To do this, I look through the lens of “rule of law” and use qualitative interviewing of homeless/poor and provide the conversations as a foundation to explain how homeless people interact with medical rights, employment rights and other areas of interest. As a resident of Columbia, this thesis serves to educate the reader and local population of the pertinent issues that many in the city currently face thereby informing how we react individually and collectively towards homelessness. Knowing this, the thesis does not serve to find as much as tell.

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© 2019, Jacob Swanstrom
