Date of Award

Spring 2019

Degree Type


Director of Thesis

Dr. Edward Madden

First Reader

Dr. Fred Dings

Second Reader

Dr. Fred Dings


Oringinally meant to be a much longer volume, The Introvert’s Guide to the Galaxy is a creative anthology of works that explores one person’s Study Abroad and solo travel experiences. The main goal is to open a space to talk about unique experiences that cannot be anticipated, but should be learned from later. Topics include culture shock, sexism, alcohol culture, family, freelance tutoring, and risky outdoor activites.

Travel with our trusty guide as she fills you in on the things to know while traveling abroad, including finding perfect outdoor sleeping conditions because you missed all the taxis, dealing with the knowledge of how to work an adjustable wrench, the Art of Helping Intoxicated Friends, how to not ask for weed water, the best way to slide down a cliffside, and dealing with being the only American for miles around.

To make things very clear, no matter what you may have heard, sleeping outside behind a dumpster, no matter how clean, no matter how clean and ant-free, is not recommended or endorsed by our guide. This will be covered in detail on page 42.

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© 2019, Hope Patterson
