Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2016

Degree Type



Moore School of Business

First Reader

Scott Herring

Second Reader

Brett Landry


This thesis is aimed at researching the development, benefits, and drawbacks of steel drums, also known as steel pans and even more commonly known amongst Trinidadians as “pans.” Steel pans are relatively new instruments having come about in the last century. They are recognized instruments with immense cultural identity on the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Steel bands have been well established in the United States and around the globe with the help of various pan players who have cultivated an interest in these instruments. Their popularity appears to be infectious. Using research conducted from previous studies as well as a survey distributed to a population of music educators, steel bands and their contribution towards music education is discussed in its entirety.

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© 2016, Morgan Whitney Esarey

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Business Commons
