Document Type
Publication Date
Presidents - The University South Caroliniana Society..... p.1
Address by Harold Holzer..... p.2
Report of Gifts to the Library by Members of the Society During the Past Year..... p.15
Sinkler, Coxe, Fishburne, Roosevelt and Wharton Family Papers 1801-2010..... p.15
John Carson Hay Steele Papers 1785, 1791, 1820-2004..... p.58
McMichael and Connor Family Papers 1845-1960..... p.64
Major General Johnson Hagood Papers 1892-1987..... p.74
Records of the Isaac Couturier Thomas Store 1885-1993..... p.100
Miscellaneous Items (Manuscripts, Letters, Photographs, Books, etc.)..... p.104
Hemrick Nathan Salley Family Collection..... p.130
Mary Boykin Chesnut Civil War Photograph Albums..... p.132
Selected List of Printed South Caroliniana..... p.134
Pictorial South Caroliniana..... p.136
Endowments and Funds to Benefit the South Caroliniana Library..... p.139
Members of the University of South Carolina Guardian Society..... p.144
New Members of the Society..... p.145
Society Officers and Executive Council..... p.145
Society Staff..... p.145
Publication Info
University of South Carolina, "University of South Carolina Libraries - Caroliniana Society Annual Gifts Report, April 2012".
This is the annual report of gifts prepared for and distributed at the Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting of the University South Caroliniana Society held April 28, 2012.
Executive Committee:
Mr. Kenneth L. Childs, president
Mr. William C. Schmidt, Jr., vice president
Mr. Franklin Beattie, vice president
Dr. Allen Stokes, secretary/treasurer