
Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for South Carolina Libraries

This document provides details requirements pertaining to manuscript submission to South Carolina Libraries.

Formatting Requirements

All submissions and revisions should be written in the professional paper style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, with minor modifications. Manuscripts should be written using 11 point Calibri font. Do not include author names or affiliations, the title in a header, or author notes in the document. Number all pages starting with the title page in the top right header and add "South Carolina Libraries" to the top left header.

Manuscripts and any revisions should be submitted as a Word document. An example template is available. For guidelines and general assistance with formatting, please visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab. Editors will make necessary formatting changes before publication.

Length: 1,000-2,500 words. The editors can be flexible depending on the scope of the article and may provide exceptions if warranted.

Photographs, illustrations, graphs, etc. may be submitted with the article. All images should be high-resolution. Please submit any supplemental materials using the file naming convention [descriptivename] with no spaces and all lower case characters. For example, assessmentdata.csv or observations2020.docx.

Language and Grammar: All submissions must be in English. Except for common foreign words and phrases, the use of foreign words and phrases should be avoided.

Book titles for review must meet at least one of these criteria:

  • Be written by a South Carolina author
  • Address South Carolina-related content
  • Contain content of interest to South Carolina libraries
  • Be released by a South Carolina publisher
  • Be related to libraries

Book reviews should be written in the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association and should include the following information:

  • Title
  • Publisher
  • Date of Publication
  • Place of Publication
  • ISBN
  • List Price
  • Quality, value, and synopsis of the material
  • Intended audience/appropriate libraries
  • Your name, position, and library
  • A brief author biography