
Submissions from 1993


In-medium behavior of the QCD ϴ term and the value of CP violation in nuclei, Vladimir Gudkov


Sign correlations and the mechanism for parity violation, Vladimir Gudkov


CP-odd nucleon potential, Vladimir Gudkov, Xiao-Gang He, and Bruce H.J. McKellar


Neutron reflection interferometry: physical principles of surface analysis with phase information, Vladimir Gudkov, G. I. Opat, and A. G. Klein

Submissions from 1992


Recoil effects and CP violation in neutron scattering, Vladimir Gudkov

Submissions from 1991


Single-Electron Charging Effects in Insulating Wires, Venkat Chandrasekhar, Zvi Ovadyahu, and Richard A. Webb


Magnetic Response of a Single, Isolated Gold Loop, V. Chandrasekhar, Richard A. Webb, M. J. Brady, M. B. Ketchen, W. J. Gallagher, and A. Kleinsasser

Submissions from 1990


Universal scaling of nonlocal and local resistance fluctuations in small wires, H. Haucke, S. Washburn, A. D. Benoit, C. P. Umbach, and Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1988


Experimental study of nonlinear conductance in small metallic samples, Richard A. Webb, S. Washburn, and C. P. Umbach

Submissions from 1987


Length-Independent Voltage Fluctuations in Small Devices, A. Benoit, C. P. Umbach, R. B. Laibowitz, and Richard A. Webb


Normal-Metal Aharonov-Bohm Effect in the Presence of a Transverse Electric Field, S. Washburn, H. Schmid, D. Kern, and Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1986


Asymmetry in the Magnetoconductance of Metal Wires and Loops, A. D. Benoit, S. Washburn, C. P. Umbach, R. B. Laibowitz, and Richard A. Webb


Observation of Resonant Tunneling in Silicon Inversion Layers, A. B. Fowler, G. L. Timp, J. J. Wainer, and Richard A. Webb


Direct Observation of Ensemble Averaging of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Normal-Metal Loops, C. P. Umbach, C. Van Haesendonck, R. B. Laibowitz, S. Washburn, and Richard A. Webb


Interaction effects among two-dimensional electrons and holes, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, E. E. Mendez, L. L. Chang, and L. Esaki


Interaction Effects Among Two-Dimensional Electrons and Holes, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, E. E. Mendez, L. L. Chang, and L. Esaki

Submissions from 1985


Temperature Dependence of the Normal-Metal Aharonov-Bohm Effect, S. Washburn, C. P. Umbach, R. B. Laibowitz, and Richard A. Webb


New Shubnikov-de Haas Effects in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole System, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, E. E. Mendez, L. L. Chang, and L. Esaki


Effects of Dissipation and Temperature on Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, R. F. Voss, and S. M. Faris


Origin of the Peaked Structure in the Conductance of One-Dimensional Silicon Accumulation Layers, Richard A. Webb, A. Hartstein, J. J. Wainer, and A. B. Fowler


Observation of h/e Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations in Normal-Metal Rings, Richard A. Webb, S. Washburn, C. P. Umbach, and R. B. Laibowitz

Submissions from 1984


Magnetoresistance of Small, Quasi-One-Dimensional, Normal-Metal Rings and Lines, C. P. Umbach, S. Washburn, R. B. Laibowitz, and Richard A. Webb


Weak Localization of Two-Dimensional Conduction Holes, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, E. E. Mendez, L. L. Chang, and L. Esaki


Absence of Minimum metallic Conductivity in Gd(3-x)vxS4 at Very Low Temperature and Evidence for a Coulomb Gap, S. Washburn, Richard A. Webb, S. von Molnar, and F. Holtzberg

Submissions from 1983


Magnetic Field Behavior of a Josephson-Junction Array: Two-Dimensional Flux Transport on a Periodic Substrate, Richard A. Webb, Richard F. Voss, G. Grinstein, and P. M. Horn

Submissions from 1982


Conductance in Restricted-Dimensionality Accumulation Layers, A. B. Fowler, A. Hartstein, and Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1981


Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in 1-µm Nb Josephson Junctions, Richard F. Voss and Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1979


Spin-Glass-Like Behavior in Very Dilute PdFe at Very Low Temperatures, Richard A. Webb, G. W. Crabtree, and J. J. Vuillemin

Submissions from 1978


Tip-Angle-Dependent Magnetic Relaxation in Superfluid 3He, Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1977


Ferromagneticlike Resonance Behavior in Superfluid 3He-B, Richard A. Webb


Measurement of the Difference between the Dynamic NMR and Static Susceptibilites of Superfluid 3He-B Using an rf-Biased Superconducting Quantum-Interference Device, Richard A. Webb

Submissions from 1975


Nonlinear Parallel Ringing of Magnetization in Superfluid 3He, Richard A. Webb, R. E. Sager, and J. C. Wheatley


Relationship between the Linear Ringing Frequencies in 3He-A and 3He-B near the Polycritical Point, Richard A. Webb, R. E. Sager, and J. C. Wheatley


Relaxation of the Wall-Pinned Magnetization Ringing Mode in Superfluid 3He-B, Richard A. Webb, R. E. Sager, and J. C. Wheatley

Submissions from 1974


Experiments on Dynamic Parallel Magnetism in Superfluid 3He, Richard A. Webb, R. L. Kleinberg, and J. C. Wheatley

Submissions from 1973


Observation of a Second-Order Phase Transition and Its Associated P - T Phase Diagram in Liquid He3, Richard A. Webb, T. J. Greytak, R. T. Johnson, and J. C. Wheatley

Submissions from 1972


Magnetic and Thermometric Properties of Na3[Ce(C7H3NO4)3] ·15H2O in the Millikelvin Range, Richard A. Webb and J. C. Wheatley