"Search for ν<i><sub>μ</sub></i>→ν<i><sub>e</sub></i> Oscillations in t" by NOMAD Collaboration, P. Astier et al. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2003.07.029


Document Type



We present the results of a search for νµ → νe oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of νe in a predominantly νµ wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are ∆m2 < 0.4 eV2 for maximal mixing and sin2(2θ)−3 for large ∆m2. This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with ∆m2 ≳∆10 eV2.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



©2003 Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY license

APA Citation

Astier, P., D. Autiero, Baldisseri, A., M. Baldo-Ceolin, Banner, M. J., G. Bassompierre, K. Benslama, Besson, N., Bird, I. G., Blumenfeld, B., F. Bobisut, Bouchez, J., Boyd, S., Bueno, A., S.A. Bunyatov, Camilleri, L., Cardini, A., Cattaneo, P. W., Cavasinni, V., & A. Cervera-Villanueva. (2003). Search for νμ→νe oscillations in the NOMAD experiment. Physics Letters B, 570(1-2), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2003.07.029
