Submissions from 2023
The Mediational Role of Motivation in the Model of Motor Development in Childhood: A Longitudinal Study, Cristina Menescardi, An V. De Meester, Octavio Álvarez, Isabel Castillo, Leen Haerens, and Isaac Estevan
Submissions from 2022
Through the Looking Glass: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Evidence, Providing New Insight for Motor Competence and Health, Lisa M. Barnett, E. Kipling Webster, Ryan M. Hulteen, An De Meester, Nadia C. Valentini, Matthieu Lenoir, Caterina Pesce, Nancy Getchell, Vitor P. Lopes, Leah E. Robinson, Ali Brian, and Luis P. Rodrigues
Learning to Cycle: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Generational Comparison, Rita Cordovil, Cristiana Mercê, Marco Branco, Frederico Lopes, David Catela, Elina Hasanen, Arto Laukkanen, Patrizia Tortella, Guido Fumagalli, Cristina Sá, Boris Jidovtseff, Linus Zeuwts, An V. De Meester, Farid Bardid, Ricardo Fujikawa, Sanne Veldman, Silvija Zlatar, and Isaac Estevan
The Role of Motivation in the Conceptual Model of Motor Development in Childhood, Cristina Menescardi, An V. De Meester, Sofie Morbee, Leen Haerens, and Isaac Estevan
The Role of Motivation Into the Conceptual Model of Motor Development in Childhood, Cristina Menescardi, An V. De Meester, Sofie Morbée, Leen Haerens, and Isaac Estevan
Submissions from 2021
Through the Looking Glass: Longitudinal Evidence Providing New Insight for Motor Competence and Health, Lisa M. Barnett, E. Kipling Webster, Ryan M. Hulteen, An V. De Meester, Nadia C. Valentini, Matthieu Lenoir, Caterina Pesce, Nancy Getchell, Vitor P. Lopes, Leah E. Robinson, Ali Brian, and Luis P. Rodrigues
Differences in Weight Status and Autonomous Motivation Towards Sports Among Children With Various Profiles of Motor Competence and Organized Sports Participation, Eline Coppens, An V. De Meester, Frederik J. A. Deconinck, Kristine De Martelaer, Leen Haerens, Farid Bardid, Matthieu Lenoir, and Eva D’Hondt
Differences in Weight Status and Autonomous Motivation towards Sports among Children with Various Profiles of Motor Competence and Organized Sports Participation, Eline Coppens, An V. De Meester, Frederik J.A. Deconinck, Kristine De Martelaer, Leen Haerens, Farid Bardid, Matthieu Lenoir, and Eva D'Hondt
International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Sodium Bicarbonate and Exercise Performance, Jozo Grgic, Zeljiko Pedisic, Bryan Saunders, Guilherme G. Artioli, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Michael J. McKenna, David J. Bishop, Richard B. Kreider, Jeffrey R. Stout, Douglas S. Kalman, Shawn M. Arent, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Hector L. Lopez, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Louise M. Burke, Jose Antonio, and Bill I. Campbell
Submissions from 2020
Recommendations for Administrators’ Involvement in School-Based Health Promotion: A Scoping Review, Collin A. Webster, Genee Glascoe, Chanta Moore, Brian Dauenhauer, Cate A. Egan, Laura B. Russ, Karie Orendorff, and Cathy Buschmeier
Submissions from 2019
Personal and Social Development in Physical Education and Sports: A Review Study, Katrijn Opstoel, Laurent Chapelle, Frans J. Prins, An V. De Meester, Leen Haerens, Jan van Tartwijk, and Kristine De Martelaer
Submissions from 2018
The Effect of the Ehealth Intervention ‘Myplan 1.0’ on Physical Activity in Adults Who Visit General Practice: A Quasi-Experimental Trial, Laurent Degroote, Jolien Plaete, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Maïté Verloigne, Vicky Van Stappen, An V. De Meester, Louise Poppe, Celien Van der Mispel, and Geert Crombez
Submissions from 2017
Gopher Fitstep Pro Accuracy When Measuring Steps and Moderate-To-Vigorous Physical Activity, Ali S. Brian and Justin A. Haegele
The Relationship Between Motor Competence and Health-Related Fitness in Children and Adolescents, Carlos Luz, Luı´s P. Rodrigues, An V. De Meester, and Rita Cordovil
Submissions from 2016
Associations Among Elementary School Children’s Actual Motor Competence, Perceived Motor Competence, Physical Activity and BMI : A Cross-Sectional Study, An V. De Meester, David F. Stodden, Ali S. Brian, Larissa true, Greet Cardon, Isabel Tallir, and Leen Haerens
Submissions from 2014
Extracurricular School-Based Sports as a Motivating Vehicle for Sports Participation in Youth: A Cross-Sectional Study, An V. De Meester, Nathalie Aelterman, Greet Cardon, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, and Leen Haerens
Submissions from 2009
Student Retention in Athletic Training Education Programs, Thomas M. Dodge, Murrary F. Mitchell, and James M. Mensch
Designing Physical Education Curriculum for a Physically Active Lifestyle, Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 2008
Choosing a Career in Athletic Training: Exploring the Perceptions of Potential Recruits, James M. Mensch and Murrary F. Mitchell
Research on Effective Teaching in Elementary School Physical Education, Judith E. Rink and Tina J. Hall
Submissions from 2007
Sports and Recreational Activities, Dale Mood, Frank F. Musker, and Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 2005
Competing Perspectives During Organizational Socialization on the Role of Certified Athletic Trainers in High School Settings, James M. Mensch, Candice Crews, and Murrary F. Mitchell
Submissions from 2003
A Comparison of High and Low Performing Secondary Physical Education Programs, Darla Castelli and Judith E. Rink
Physical Education, Preparation of Teachers, Murrary F. Mitchell
Student Performance Data, School Attributes and Relationships, Murrary F. Mitchell, Darla M. Castelli, and Skip Strainer
State Level Assessment in Physical Education: The South Carolina Experience, Judith E. Rink and Murrary F. Mitchell
Insights and Reflections on a State Assessment Program, Judith E. Rink and Susan Stewart
Developing and Implementing a State Assessment Program, Judith E. Rink and Lori Williams
Instructional Variables and Student Knowledge and Conceptions of Fitness, Susan E. Stewart and Murrary F. Mitchell
Teacher Competency Using Observational Scoring Rubrics, Lori Williams and Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 2002
Learning Motor Skills, Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 2001
Assessing Observation Focus and Conference Targets of Cooperating Teachers, Margaret M. Coleman and Murrary F. Mitchell
Investigating the Assumptions of Pedagogy, Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 2000
An Approach to Program Assessment: Locating Indicators of a Coherent Program, Murrary F. Mitchell
A Review of Curriculum Scholarship in Physical Education (1998-2000): Analyzing Innovations, Paul G. Schempp, Sandor Dorgo, Tina Hall, Wenhao Liu, and Mark Smith
Submissions from 1999
Instruction from a Learning Perspective: A Discussion, Judith E. Rink
Effects of Direct Instruction and Environmentally Designed Instruction on the Process and Product Characteristics of a Fundamental Skill, Terry Sweeting and Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 1997
The Validity of the Qualitative Measures of Teaching Performance Scale as a Measure of Teacher Effectiveness, J. Len Gusthart, Ivan M. Kelly, and Judith E. Rink
Productive Physical Education Pedagogy Scholars: Why They Do It and How, Murrary F. Mitchell
Physical Education in the Developmentally Appropriate Integrated Curriculum, Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 1996
The Effects of a 3-Week Unit of Tactical, Skill, or Combined Tactical and Skill Instruction on Badminton Performance of Ninth-Grade Students, Karen E. French, Peter H. Werner, Judith E. Rink, Kevin Taylor, and Kevin Hussey
Tactical and Skill Approaches to Teaching Sport and Games, Judith E. Rink
Implications for Practice and Research, Judith E. Rink, Karen E. French, and Kathy C. Graham
Student Perceptions, Values, and Beliefs Prior to, During, and After Badminton Instruction, Bonnie L. Tjeerdsma, Judith E. Rink, and Kathy C. Graham
Submissions from 1994
Physical Education Teacher Education, Judith E. Rink
A Comparison of Pedagogical Knowledge Structures of Preservice Students and Teacher Educators in Two Institutions, Judith E. Rink, Karen E. French, Amelia M. Lee, Melinda A. Solomon, and Susan K. Lynn
Submissions from 1993
Linking Teacher Educators, Knowledge, and the Quality of Practice in Schools, Murrary F. Mitchell
Teaching Physical Education for Learning, Judith E. Rink
Submissions from 1992
A Descriptive Analysis and Academic Genealogy of Major Contributors to JTPE in the 1980s, Murrary F. Mitchell
Scholarly Behaviors of Physical Education Methods Teacher Educators in Ohio, Murrary F. Mitchell
The Influence of Content Development on the Effectiveness of Instruction, Judith E. Rink, Karen E. French, Peter H. Werner, Susan Lynn, and Amy Mays
Submissions from 1991
The Effects of Practice Progressions on Learning Two Volleyball Skills, Karen E. French, Judith E. Rink, Linda Rikard, Amy Mays, Susan Lynn, and Peter H. Werner
Submissions from 1987
Student Responses as a Measure of Teaching Effectiveness, Judith E. Rink and Peter H. Werner
Submissions from 1986
Career Paths and Role Orientations of Professors of Teacher Education in Physical Education, Murrary F. Mitchell and H. A. Lawson
Submissions from 1983
Teaching Behavior through Various Levels of Field Experiences, J. Len Gusthart and Judith E. Rink