Document Type
Publication Date
Rice Flat Vandalized..... p.1
Quarterly Reports Not Being Forwarded..... p.1
Staffers Attend SHA Conference..... p.2
Short Takes..... p.2
Prehistoric Artifact Workshop Planned..... p.3
Field Training Course Dates Changed..... p.3
Ferry Landings: Little Remains Today of These Markers of Colonial Expansion..... p.4
Anheuser-Bush Bottle Dates to 1880s..... p.6
Unusual Rock Turns Out to Be Lock..... p.6
Book Locker..... p.7
Recommended Citation
University of South Carolina, "Maritime Research Division, South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology - The Goody Bag, Volume 6/Issue 1, February 1995".
The Goody Bag was the first of the newsletters that have been published for the Hobby Diver-licensed sport divers and for those interested in the underwater past of South Carolina by the Maritime Research Division of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of South Carolina (July 1990-February 1995).