"<em>Flotsam and Jetsam</em> - June 2000" by South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology--University of South Carolina

Document Type


Publication Date




Anchor Placed On Cooper River Trail..... p.1
Volunteers Needed To Assist In Cooper River Trail Maintenance..... p.2
The Bottom Line..... p.2
Shipwreck Found On Kiawah Beach..... p.3
Kiawah Island Steeped In Beauty And History..... p.3
Teacher Uses FfC Training In Charlotte Middle School Underwater Archaeology Program..... p.4
North Augusta Hobby Diver Records Sites In Savannah River..... p.6
Research Links Artifacts From Blackbeard's Flagship To Charleston..... p.8
Field Training Course Set For August..... p.10
Registration Form - 2000 FTC I..... p.11


Flotsam and Jetsam, formerly The Goody Bag, was the publication of the Underwater Archaeology Division of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of South Carolina between May 1995 - March 1996 and March 2000 - February 2001. In 1996 the publication was merged with SCIAA's newsletter, Legacy, but three years later was restarted again as a separate publication.

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