
Earth, Ocean and Environment Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
New Techniques for Studying Ocean Eddy Dynamics in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, Paul Andrew Ernst
Investigating Arctic Ocean Freshwater Content and Circulation in a Changing Climate, Emma Louise Hoffman
An Assessment of Drinking Water Equity in South Carolina: Access, Affordability, Quality, and Private Well Resources, Catherine Lippert Min
Offshore Detachment of the Winyah Bay Plume Through Ekman Dynamics Under Upwelling Conditions, Isabella Moore
Housing Buyouts at the Intersection of Flooding and Toxins: a Case Study of Cheraw, South Carolina, Victoria Ponds
Assessing Multi-Annual Phytoplankton Community Compositions and Biomass Across Tidal Creek and Open Water Estuarine Habitats in South Carolina, Shannon Elizabeth Powers
Deconvolving Provenance Signatures of Pliocene-Pleistocene Coastal Loess Deposits Along the Atlantic Margin of Argentina, Will Robert Quanrud
Calibration and Use of the Transparency Tube as an Estimate of Turbidity: An Analysis of Factors Controlling Light Attenuation in Estuarine Waters, Makenna Leigh Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Genomic Analysis of Exophiala SP. ETNP2018, a Marine Fungal Strain Isolated From an Oxygen Minimum Zone, Margaret Kelly Bernish
Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone From Concentrations, Stable Isotopes and Isotopomers, Margaret Ann Gaspar
Robocat: An Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) for Near-surface Hydrodynamic Measurements In Buoyant Plumes. Development and Case Study, Christopher Tom Papageorgiou
Understanding the Role of the Jet Streams and Gulf Stream Eddies on the Northwest Atlantic Marine Heatwaves, Lydia Rose Duncan Sims
Examination and Application of Body Condition Methods in Cetaceans, Kira Anne Telford
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluation of Monthly and Seasonal Grazing Rates Of Ilyanassa Obsoleta on Benthic Microalgae in the North Inlet Estuary, Brittany DeArmitt
Sources and Cycling of Neodymium and Rare Earth Elements in the Arctic Amerasian Basin and Bering Sea, Brian D. Duggan
Tropical Cyclone and Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Gulf of Mexico, Emily Nichole Eley
Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas Dynamics in a Changing Climate, Sarah B. Hall
Urban Flooding Accelerates the Affordable Housing Shortage: A Case Study in Columbia, South Carolina, Mary Hannah Lindsay
Quantifying the Controls of Shear-Coupled P-Waves, Jackson Saftner
An Assessment of the Performance of the Earthscope Automated Receiver Survey: A User’s Guide to EARS., Erin L. Taxon
Differentiating Pleistocene Alloformations in the South Carolina Coastal Plain Through Lithologic, Textural, Mineralogical, and Cluster Analyses, Charles Andrew Wykel
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Injection in the Southeastern United States, Adil Murad Awad Alshammari
Fortnightly Effects of Urea Additions on Cyanobacteria in A Stormwater Detention Pond, Halley Carruthers
Radium at the Lost City and Mid-Cayman Rise Hydrothermal Fields, Jessica D. Frankle
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations Within the North Inlet Estuary,SC, Heather Kish
Zooplankton Community Structure and Grazing within a Stormwater Detention Pond in Coastal South Carolina, Kristen Laccetti
Characterizations of Dissolved Organic Carbon at Hydrothermal Systems of the MidCayman Rise, Aaron Mau
Sensitivity of Aquatic Organic Matter Degradation To Changing Temperature and Nutrient Conditions in a Coastal Watershed, Curtis John Szewczyk
Dissolved Nitrogen Cycling in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago From Stable Isotopic Data, Holly Westbrook
Caribbean Yellowtail Snapper Ocyurus Chrysurus: Filling In Critical Gaps in Research for Life History and Novel Ageing Validation Utilizing Δ14C, Sarah Zajovits
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dynamics of the Loop Current System and Its Effects on Surface and Subsurface Properties in the Gulf of Mexico, Richard James Brokaw
Seismic Attribute Fracture Analysis and Thin and Thick-Skinned Structural Controls on the Evolution of a Foreland Basin - Parrando and Guavio Anticlines, Eastern Cordillera Foothills, Colombia, Ibraheem Khalil Hafiz
Adjustment of a Coastal Buoyant Outflow Under Tidal and Wind Forcing, A K M Nahid Hasan
Influence of Stormwater Management on Oxygen Demand and Organic Matter Cycling in Urbanizing Headwater Catchments, Kelly McCabe
Circulation Changes in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas and Their Connections to the Global Ocean and Climate, Rachel Elizabeth Nichols
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions During Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Northern Indian Ocean, Heather Leigh Roman-Stork
New Approaches to Understanding Mjo Dynamics, Casey Shoup
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Benthic Microalgae in South Carolina Shelf Sediments, Sarah N. Zaunbrecher
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Fielding Sustainability: The Potential for Compost Extract as an Amendment on Athletic Turfgrass, Lacy M. Adams
Using Long Time Series of Satellite Remote Sensing Data to Assess the Impact of Climate and Anthropogenic Changes in the Mesopotamian Marshes, Iraq, Reyadh Albarakat
3-D Potential Field Inversion Camp Clubhouse Crossroads Mafic Intrusive Pluton, Coastal Plain, South Carolina, Kubra Sibel Albayrak
Water Systematics of Samoan Peridotite Xenoliths, Aaron Wolfgang Ashley
Mantle Heterogeneity from the Mantle Plume Perspective: Sources vs. Processes, Paul Béguelin
An Assessment of Legal Frameworks for Sea Turtle Conservation in the Southeastern United States, Perry A. Fennell
The Role of the Southern Ocean on Global Ocean Circulation and Climate, Brady Scott Ferster
Energetic Consequences of Human Impacts for Bioindicator Atlantic Ghost Crab (Ocypode Quadrata), Mustafa Remzi Gül
Green Forest Businesses as a Method to Improve Communities in Unesco’s East Usambara Biosphere Reserve in Tanzania, Myoung Su Ko
Salt Marsh Health and Biomass Responses to a Changing Environment, Gwen Joelle Miller
Upper Ocean Dynamics and Mixing in the Arabian Sea During Monsoons, Corinne Beverly Trott
Larval Fish Mortality and Vertical Chlorophyll Structures: Reexamination of the Stable Ocean Hypothesis in the Southern California Current, Brendan D. Turley
Endolithic Microbial Carbon Cycling in East Antarctica, Natalie Tyler
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Assessment Of Upper Cretaceous Strata For Offshore CO2 Storage: Southeastern United States, Khaled F. Almutairi
Classifying The Woody Vegetation Community Of Wade Ponds In Colleton County, South Carolina, Wade Biltoft
Organic Acids and Amino Acids in Serpentinization Related Fluids from the Atlantis Massif, Nicholas Camper
Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Colonized Habitats on the Range Shifting Mangrove Tree Crab (Aratus Pisonii), Zachary John Cannizzo
Restoration of visual performance and opsin expression within the retina during eye regeneration in the Florida fighting conch (Strombus alatus), Jamie M. Clark
Phenotypic Response Of Marine Cryptophytes To Varying Spectral Irradiance, Kristin M. Heidenreich
Climate Metric Coherence: Stationarity of the Relationships Between North Pacific Climate Indices and Ecological Processes in the Gulf of Alaska, Michael Opiekun
The Role Of ENSO On The Agulhas Current Leakage Region, Morgan Lauren Paris
Re-Evaluation Of The Extent And Tectonic History Of The Helena Banks Fault Zone, Offshore South Carolina, Ahmet Postaagasi
Salt Tectonism In The Carolina Trough, Ceren Postaagasi
Impacts Of Drainage Systems On Stormwater Hydrology: Rocky Branch Watershed, Columbia, South Carolina, Logan Ress
The Sedimentary Record Of Eocene Deformation In The Interior Of The Southern Canadian Cordillera, Erica May Rubino
Chinese Tallow Invasion On A South Carolina Barrier Island: A Study Of Current Distribution Following Herbicide Treatments, Victoria Schwartz
The Impact Of Upland Development And Marsh Width On Groundwater Composition In Estuarine Tidal Creeks In The Southeastern Coastal United States, Meghan Shanahan
Determining the Subsidence Rate of the Cascade Seamount using Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy, Sarah L. Vorsanger
Effectiveness Of Conventional And Lid Stormwater Management Approaches With SWMM Modeling: Rocky Branch Watershed, Columbia, SC, John M. Williams
On The Scattering Of Topographically Modified Semidiurnal Kelvin Waves Into Internal Waves, Tianyi Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Causes and Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences in Brachyuran Crabs With A Focus on Behavior, Benjamin A. Belgrad
Marine Phosphorus Biogeochemistry Ecological Insights From Analytical Chemistry, Douglas W. Bell
Tectonic Studies Of Southeastern North America: The Suwannee Basin, Brunswick Suture Zone, Osceola Arc, And Pangean Transcurrent Fault System, Susannah Katherine Boote
Air- Sea Interactions And Ocean Dynamics In The Southwest Tropical Indian Ocean, Jessica Maureen Burns
The Influence of Phytoplankton Size and Community Composition on Carbon Cycling and Planktonic Food Webs in the Sargasso Sea, Bridget Elise Cotti-Rausch
Development of a Sandwich Hybridization Assay for the Harmful Cyanobacteria Microcystis spp., Nicole M. Dearth
The Summerville Formation: Evidence for a Sub-Horizontal Stratigraphic Sequence below the Post-Rift Unconformity in the Middleton Place Summerville Seismic Zone, Joseph Edward Getz
The Energetic Consequences of Temperature Variation and Sequential Autotomization for the Stone Crab, Menippe spp., Eric R. Hancock
Molecular Exploration of Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Matter Across Aquatic Ecosystems, Yuan Shen
Wind Driven Shelf Circulation: Effects of Shoreline Orientation, Bathymetry, and Surface Cooling, Xiaodong Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Delineation Of The Lower Permian Gas Sand Via Calibrated Avo And Pre-Stack Seismic Inversions In Majhol Field, Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Alhashel
3D Seismic Depth Imaging and Velocity Model Building in Anisotropic Media: Serri Oil and Gas Field, Saudi Arabia, Ali Jomaah Alsalem
Biodegradation of Highly Weathered Deepwater Horizon Oil, Joel T. Bostic
North American Butterfly Association Counts at Congaree National Park: A Case Study for Connecting Citizen Science to Management, Austin Clarridge
Utilization Of Satellite-Derived Salinity For ENSO Studies And Climate Indices, Caroline Mary Corbett
Utilization Of Satellite-Derived Salinity To Study Indian Ocean Climate Variability, Joseph Matthew D’Addezio
Applicability of LiDAR Technology in Saltmarshes: Landscape-Scale Predictive Models to Local-Scale Biomass Estimation, James Dean Edwards Jr.
Submarine Groundwater Discharge and the Configuration of the Freshwater-Saltwater Interface at the Nearshore and Embayment Scales, Tyler Brandon Evans
Assessing the Effects of the Mud Snail, Ilyanassa Obsoleta, on the Benthic Microalgal Community in a Pristine Saltmarsh, Miranda Gore
Mislabeling Of Commercial Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua) Products In Spain, Joshua Helgoe
Implications of Hf-Nd Isotopes in West Philippine Basin Basalts for the Initiation and Early History of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc, Benjamin D. Hocking
An Integrated Structural Analysis on Seismic of a Paleo Mound Development (Woolsey Mound, Northern Gulf of Mexico), Ricardo Tomas Troco Kabila
Decadal Salinity Changes in the Oceanic Subtropical Gyres and Connection to Changes in the Global Water Cycle, Bryce Andrew Melzer
Alongshore Momentum Balance Over Shoreface-Connected Ridges, Fire Island, NY, Conor Ofsthun
Development And Application Of Foraminiferal Carbonate System Proxies To Quantify Ocean Acidification In The California Current, Emily B. Osborne
Three Dimensional Thermobaric Modeling of A Gas Hydrate System, Amanda Quigley Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Global Methylation of DNA Among Spartina Alterniflora Clones Differing in Age at North Inlet, SC, Trenton Agrelius