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Jackie Alexander

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University of South Carolina Board of Student Publications and Communications




Protests; campus chaos; religious ministry; homosexuals; fornicators; sinners; sin; burn in hell; soulwinners; christian; Bible; Holy Week; Carolina Creed; Faculty; walk-off; exercise; college t-shirt; walking; competition; mcCain; No surrender tour; Lexington; veterans; residents; Constitution Day; Pratt; birthday; Law School; Protest causes campus chaos; Religious ministry draws large crowd; anger; Faculty participates in walk-off; Program inspires staff members to participate in exercise competition for free college t-shirt; McCain’s ‘No Surrender Tour’ reaches Lexington; Candidate speaks out to veterans; residents in presentation; Professors celebrate; Constitution Day; Document’s 220th birthday heralded with lecture; Sidewalk preachers violate campus creed; Street protests produce heated disputes; Sidewalk confrontations; condemnation do little to resolve moral issues; Iraq War commander faces undue verbal abuse; Petraeus receives harsh criticism from senators; presidential candidates; Playboy press tasteless in student news; Sip on this: Coffee shop manners; Bar scene differs among ages; Area nightlife locales maintain current age restrictions without worry; Anatomy’ album remixes pop tunes; New soundtrack combines emotional indie-pop; background music; LSU battle may show SEC dominance; Victory on in bayou could mean game is really on for ‘07 Gamecock football; Game time set for Homecoming football contest; Mistake-prone Panthers fall short on home field; Loss to Houston Texans disappoints fans in near-packed Carolina stadium; Men’s rugby team begins season; hosts regional showcase tournament

The Daily Gamecock, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2007
