"The Daily Gamecock, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2007" by University of South Carolina, Office of Student Media




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Jackie Alexander

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University of South Carolina Board of Student Publications and Communications




RHA hears speakers on diversity; Darfur at weekly meeting; Committee schedules vote on new dorm visitation policy; Sellers looks for progress in speech to AAAS; State lawmaker bemoans state of education for blacks; Sorensen to discuss past progress; future endeavors in address; Change to Coke unpopular among students; Vending machine prices increase after switch from Pepsi Co.; Homeless line Columbia streets; agencies look for solutions; Efforts to defeat vagrancy part of; Housing First plan; GAO identifies $146 million wasted on premium-class airline tickets in one year; Agency estimates 67 percent of first-class tickets unauthorized; McCain denounces Clinton’s approach to foreign diplomacy; America does not need a flip-flopper; Arizona senator says; Spears-Federline kids go home with Daddy; Sometime rapper wins custody of couple’s two sons; Scratch upstages headliners; Common; Q-Tip perform flawlessly to full audience during 2K Bounce Tour; Tending to; Your Fashion Wounds; Razr V3xx offers pricey upgrades; New phone has sturdier build; but comes with shorter talk time; ACM; Microsoft sponsor ‘Halo 3’ party; tournament; Association for Computing Machinery hopes to attract new members through speakers; demonstrations of gaming prowess; Catching up with coach Mark Berson; Longtime coach sits down; reflects on coaching memories during his 30-year career; Special teams aid Gamecocks; Field goals; blocked punts give USC an advantage in tight football contests; Practice Report; Gamecocks healing up before Thursday night’s showdown with No. 8 Kentucky; Tailgating experience not one to be missed; Not everyone can be what they want; Kindergarten lessons not so true; students should learn to accept limitations; Continuing warm days dangerous; unhealthy; Global warming means more outdoor activities; less excuses to stay inside; SG should focus on fulfilling promises; Carolina Card acceptance; vending machines among issues not yet addressed

The Daily Gamecock, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2007
