"The Daily Gamecock, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2007" by University of South Carolina, Office of Student Media




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Jackie Alexander

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University of South Carolina Board of Student Publications and Communications




REMEMBERING FRIENDS; Students gather to honor memory of sisters; brothers; loved ones from USC; Clemson; Investigators make progress at beach house; Ocean Isle mayor says fire likely accidental; Facebook provides support system; Popular social networking site used as outlet for reactions; emotions; memories of victims; Library exhibits USC ties to WWI; Forward Together; highlights contribution to battles during 1900s; Getting the golden ticket; Line stretches across campus as many fans wait for Florida game admission; Clemson mourns lost student; Tiger community pulls together in response to accident; Counselors lend help to students; Center director says staff will reply to any; all needs; Media insensitivity crosses line of decency; Band together to mourn victims lost; Students must give each other support needed for coping with loss after fire; Protest-free campuses something to celebrate; Vietnam War-era protests should be discouraged; not heralded in history; Details make costumes happen; Whether you make them or buy them; unique Halloween outfits bring personality and humor to holiday; Bigfoot; steps into spotlight; Low-budget film made by Columbia lawyer wins international awards and acclaim; No. 4 doesn’t slice as sharply; New installment of ‘Saw’ franchise ultimately repeats tricks of previous films; Too little; too late for offense?; TD drought ends; Gamecocks will need strong finish; Sports give us moments to step back; fully recover; Football games; events chances for students; fans to rebound from tragedy

The Daily Gamecock, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2007
