Publication Date


Document Type


Document Type (Other)

Annual Report


Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina


The primary file includes the 1990-1991 Academic Planning Committee Annual Report. Additional annual reports are attached.


© University of South Carolina

1990-1991 academic responsibility annual report.pdf (134 kB)
1990-1991 Academic Responsibility Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 admissions annual report.pdf (418 kB)
1990-1991 Admissions Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 university athletics advisory annual report.pdf (1375 kB)
1990-1991 University Athletics Advisory Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 bookstore annual report.pdf (2044 kB)
1990-1991 Bookstore Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 curricula and courses annual report.pdf (378 kB)
1990-1991 Curricula and Courses Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 faculty advisory annual report.pdf (472 kB)
1990-1991 Faculty Advisory Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 faculty budget annual report.pdf (814 kB)
1990-1991 Faculty Budget Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 faculty grievance annual report.pdf (164 kB)
1990-1991 Faculty Grievance Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 faculty house annual report.pdf (241 kB)
1990-1991 Faculty House Annual Report

1990-1991 faculty welfare annual report.pdf (1718 kB)
1990-1991 Committee for Faculty Welfare Annual Report

1990-1991 grade change annual report.pdf (193 kB)
1990-1991 Grade Change Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 health professions undergraduate advisement annual report.pdf (397 kB)
1990-1991 Health Professions Undergraduate Advisement Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 library annual report.pdf (1028 kB)
1990-1991 Library Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 patents and copyrights annual report.pdf (510 kB)
1990-1991 Committee on Patents and Copyrights Annual Report

1990-1991 safety committee annual report.pdf (566 kB)
1990-1991 Safety Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 savannah river review annual report.pdf (1244 kB)
1990-1991 Savannah River Review Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 scholastic standards and petitions annual report.pdf (1017 kB)
1990-1991 Scholastic Standards and Petitions Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 scholastic standards and petitions continuing education annual report.pdf (198 kB)
1990-1991 Scholastic Standards and Petitions Committee Continuing Education Annual Report

1990-1991 student-faculty relations annual report.pdf (126 kB)
1990-1991 Student-Faculty Relations Committee Annual Report

1990-1991 tenure and promotions annual report.pdf (325 kB)
1990-1991 Committee on Tenure and Promotions Annual Report

1990-1991 tenure review board annual report.pdf (180 kB)
1990-1991 Tenure Review Board Annual Report
