Publication Date
Document Type
Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina
Calcott - Room 015
65 minutes
Publication Info
© University of South Carolina
10-06-92 agenda.pdf (650 kB)
10-06-92 record of attendance did attend.pdf (244 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
10-06-92 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (176 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
10-06-92 curricula and courses.pdf (2672 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
10-06-92 library motion.pdf (390 kB)
Library Motion (Approved)
10-06-92 charles mack proposals for the hiring of academic administrators at usc.pdf (262 kB)
Charles Mack: Two Proposals for the Hiring of Academic Administrators at USC
10-06-92 draft charge for arts and sciences review committee.pdf (343 kB)
Draft Charge for Arts and Sciences Review Committee
10-06-92 record of attendance did attend.pdf (244 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
10-06-92 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (176 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
10-06-92 curricula and courses.pdf (2672 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
10-06-92 library motion.pdf (390 kB)
Library Motion (Approved)
10-06-92 charles mack proposals for the hiring of academic administrators at usc.pdf (262 kB)
Charles Mack: Two Proposals for the Hiring of Academic Administrators at USC
10-06-92 draft charge for arts and sciences review committee.pdf (343 kB)
Draft Charge for Arts and Sciences Review Committee