Publication Date
Document Type
Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina
College of Business Administration - Belk Auditorium
70 minutes
Publication Info
© University of South Carolina
09-01-93 agenda.pdf (786 kB)
09-01-93 record of attendance did attend.pdf (249 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
09-01-93 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (188 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
09-01-93 curricula and courses.pdf (2090 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
09-01-93 grade change report.pdf (629 kB)
Grade Change Report
09-01-93 libraries budget report.pdf (608 kB)
Libraries Budget Report
09-01-93 salary equity task force report.pdf (4302 kB)
Salary Equity Task Force Report
09-01-93 scholastic standards and petitions report.pdf (172 kB)
Scholastic Standards and Petitions Report
09-01-93 patents and copyrights motion.pdf (895 kB)
Patents and Copyrights Motion
09-01-93 faculty senate chair - state of the faculty 1993.pdf (3928 kB)
Faculty Senate Chair: State of the Faculty 1993
09-01-93 Gunther Holst good of the order statement.pdf (211 kB)
Gunther Holst: Good of the Order Statement
09-01-93 record of attendance did attend.pdf (249 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
09-01-93 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (188 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
09-01-93 curricula and courses.pdf (2090 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
09-01-93 grade change report.pdf (629 kB)
Grade Change Report
09-01-93 libraries budget report.pdf (608 kB)
Libraries Budget Report
09-01-93 salary equity task force report.pdf (4302 kB)
Salary Equity Task Force Report
09-01-93 scholastic standards and petitions report.pdf (172 kB)
Scholastic Standards and Petitions Report
09-01-93 patents and copyrights motion.pdf (895 kB)
Patents and Copyrights Motion
09-01-93 faculty senate chair - state of the faculty 1993.pdf (3928 kB)
Faculty Senate Chair: State of the Faculty 1993
09-01-93 Gunther Holst good of the order statement.pdf (211 kB)
Gunther Holst: Good of the Order Statement