Publication Date
Document Type
Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina
Currell College Auditorium
Publication Info
© University of South Carolina
03-01-95 agenda.pdf (652 kB)
03-01-95 record of attendance did attend.pdf (238 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
03-01-95 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (217 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
03-01-95 curricula and courses.pdf (418 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
03-01-95 faculty senate steering report.pdf (715 kB)
Faculty Senate Steering Report
03-01-95 faculty welfare report on summer school compensation.pdf (4422 kB)
Faculty Welfare Report: Summer School Compensation
03-01-95 university standards and petitions report.pdf (226 kB)
Standards and Petitions Report
03-01-95 faculty welfare recommendations.pdf (422 kB)
Faculty Welfare Recommendations
03-01-95 libraries proposed budget.pdf (1187 kB)
Libraries Proposed Budget
03-01-95 record of attendance did attend.pdf (238 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
03-01-95 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (217 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
03-01-95 curricula and courses.pdf (418 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
03-01-95 faculty senate steering report.pdf (715 kB)
Faculty Senate Steering Report
03-01-95 faculty welfare report on summer school compensation.pdf (4422 kB)
Faculty Welfare Report: Summer School Compensation
03-01-95 university standards and petitions report.pdf (226 kB)
Standards and Petitions Report
03-01-95 faculty welfare recommendations.pdf (422 kB)
Faculty Welfare Recommendations
03-01-95 libraries proposed budget.pdf (1187 kB)
Libraries Proposed Budget