Publication Date
Document Type
Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina
Law School Auditorium
Publication Info
© University of South Carolina
03-05-03 agenda.pdf (717 kB)
03-05-03 record of attendance did attend.pdf (221 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
03-05-03 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (208 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
03-05-03 curricula and courses report.pdf (4191 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
03-05-03 faculty senate steering report.pdf (398 kB)
Faculty Senate Steering Report
03-05-03 university athletics advisory report (withdrawn).pdf (569 kB)
University Athletics Advisory Report (Withdrawn)
03-05-03 handout from rick kelly.pdf (3186 kB)
Handout from Rick Kelly: Value Centered Management at the University of South Carolina Presentation
03-05-03 record of attendance did attend.pdf (221 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Attend
03-05-03 record of attendance did not attend.pdf (208 kB)
Record of Attendance: Did Not Attend
03-05-03 curricula and courses report.pdf (4191 kB)
Curricula and Courses Report
03-05-03 faculty senate steering report.pdf (398 kB)
Faculty Senate Steering Report
03-05-03 university athletics advisory report (withdrawn).pdf (569 kB)
University Athletics Advisory Report (Withdrawn)
03-05-03 handout from rick kelly.pdf (3186 kB)
Handout from Rick Kelly: Value Centered Management at the University of South Carolina Presentation