Publication Date


Document Type


Document Type (Other)

Annual Report


Faculty Senate, University of South Carolina


The primary file includes the 2001-2002 Committee on Academic Responsibility Annual Report. Additional annual reports are attached.


© University of South Carolina

2001-2002 admissions annual report.pdf (178 kB)
2001-2002 Committee on Admissions Annual Report

2001-2002 university athletics advisory annual report.pdf (465 kB)
2001-2002 University Athletics Advisory Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 bookstores annual report.pdf (183 kB)
2001-2002 Bookstores Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 curricula and courses annual report.pdf (297 kB)
2001-2002 Committee on Curricula and Courses Annual Report

2001-2002 disability affairs annual report.pdf (640 kB)
2001-2002 Disability Affairs Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 faculty advisory annual report.pdf (2687 kB)
2001-2002 Faculty Advisory Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 faculty budget annual report.pdf (588 kB)
2001-2002 Faculty Budget Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 faculty club annual report.pdf (629 kB)
2001-2002 Faculty Club Annual Report

2001-2002 faculty grievance annual report.pdf (1524 kB)
2001-2002 Faculty Grievance Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 faculty welfare annual report.pdf (1315 kB)
2001-2002 Faculty Welfare Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 instructional development annual report.pdf (1726 kB)
2001-2002 Committee on Instructional Development Annual Report

2001-2002 intellectual property annual report.pdf (691 kB)
2001-2002 Intellectual Property Committee Annual Report

2001-2002 libraries annual report.pdf (170 kB)
2001-2002 Committee on Libraries Annual Report

2001-2002 scholastic standards and petitions annual report.pdf (353 kB)
2001-2002 Committee on Scholastic Standards and Petitions Annual Report

2001-2002 tenure and promotions annual report.pdf (592 kB)
2001-2002 University Committee on Tenure and Promotions Annual Report

2001-2002 tenure review board annual report.pdf (83 kB)
2001-2002 Tenure Review Board Annual Report
