Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Leadership and Policies

First Advisor

Suzy Hardie


When observing and consistently hearing about the obstacles that our current public educational system is facing, many are left wondering what can be done to produce genuine, significant, and continuous improvement. Upon deeper analysis of educational systems, one can see that there are many areas in need of systems improvement. SOAR School is a Pre-K-5 school that has experienced underperforming student achievement outcomes. This study was a collaborative approach to the current educational system. SOAR School used the data from universal screeners and progress monitoring assessments to drive the professional learning communities within the school. SOAR School had never experienced the systems improvement interventions that addressed the problem of practice. A plan and protocol were created that addressed the genuine needs within the academic achievement, and SOAR School saw incredibly positive results. The findings were that professional learning communities with a focus on planning and data analysis produced greater positive results than were initially anticipated.


© 2024, Jason Koepke
