Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Theatre and Dance

First Advisor

Nic Ularu

Second Advisor

Jim Hunter


This thesis delves into my journey as a Master of Fine Arts candidate specializing in Scenic Design within the Theatre program at the University of South Carolina.

Comprising seven chapters, this thesis provides a comprehensive exploration of my academic and professional trajectory. The introductory chapter offers insights into my transition from a background in Film Production to the realm of Theatre Arts, reflecting on the challenges and revelations encountered along the way.

Chapters 2 through 5 offer in-depth analyses of five stage productions wherein I served as a scenic designer during my graduate tenure. Each chapter delves into the creative process, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the development and execution of these projects.

Chapter 6 sheds light on my enriching experience working at the Cortland Repertory Theatre during the summer of 2023. It provides an overview of the unique opportunities, collaborations, and growth opportunities encountered during this period.

Finally, Chapter 7 serves as a culmination, offering a reflective summary of the entire thesis. Furthermore, it outlines my aspirations and intentions for my future career path, highlighting the importance of self-care and professional development in achieving my goals.


© 2024, Ruihan Liu
