Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


School of Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

Taylor Wen


This paper presents an exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of public discourse surrounding Barbie, the film released in 2023 directed by Greta Gerwig, by leveraging advanced natural language processing techniques. Employing BERTopic for topic modeling, I analyzed conversations embedded in YouTube comments from Warner Bros.'s own promotional content as well as third-party YouTube content pre- and post- the film’s release to unearth the themes and sentiments associated with the iconic character. Our primary objective was to look beyond the stereotypical perception of Barbie as a two-dimensional figure and shed light on the diverse and complex discussions surrounding her cinematic representation. By analyzing a selection of eight promotional videos from Warner Bros. (29,813 comments) and 42 videos from various YouTube channels pre- and post-release (8,755 and 35,182 comments, respectively) and employing BERTopic, the YouTube comments were grouped into topics and then collected in macro-themes. Gender politics, feminism, and nostalgia emerged as prominent themes, indicating societal engagement with the character that transcends its seemingly superficial nature. Sentiment analysis was conducted using the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) tool, which provided a nuanced understanding of the prevailing sentiments within each identified topic. The analysis showed that comments related to Barbie and Barbie the film tend to lean more positive than negative despite the heated discourse involved with some of the themes identified. This study contributes to the existing literature by showcasing the depth and complexity of discussions surrounding Barbie. Our findings challenge the conventional portrayal of Barbie as a mere cultural artifact, revealing her role as a focal point for discussions on gender politics, feminism, and nostalgia while also showcasing YouTube comments as an underutilized data source in academic research.

This study contributes to the existing literature by showcasing the depth and complexity inherent in discussions surrounding Barbie. Our findings challenge the conventional portrayal of Barbie as a mere cultural artifact, revealing her role as a focal point for discussions on gender politics, feminism, and nostalgia while also showcasing YouTube comments as an underutilized data source in academic research.


© 2024, Sarah Johnson

Available for download on Saturday, May 31, 2025
