Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation



First Advisor

Dr. Paula Vasquez


In this work we investigate the dynamic behavior of bead-spring polymer solutions in viscoelastic fluids, which are essential in industries like materials science, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. The study leverages GPU-accelerated simulations and detailed modeling of polymer chain dynamics at the mesoscale, which enables efficient analysis of intricate fluid behaviors and the microscale dynamics of polymer chains. Additionally, the research examines the breaking-reforming dynamics of polymer chains, crucial for understanding phenomena such as shear thinning and thickening. The findings have broad applications, from improving inkjet printing and 3D printing technologies to developing new drug delivery systems and biocompatible materials. This work aims to bridge the gap between microscale polymer dynamics and macroscale fluid behavior, contributing to the advancement of various technologies through a robust computational framework.


© 2024, Andrei Medved
