Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


School of Music

First Advisor

Scott Price


Over 5,000 years, Chinese opera has been inspired by many imperial dynasties, regions, and ethnic cultures, making it a unique reflection of Chinese culture. Chinese composers have incorporated traditional Chinese opera in piano compositions to express cultural identity and artistic significance. This music has a broad and profound cultural significance, fostering cultural interchange and understanding and presenting a diverse and inclusive musical experience for non-Chinese students and musicians.

This research study provides a comprehensive overview of Chinese traditional operas, vocal technique and instrumentation, the development of piano music in China, and corresponding piano literature in progressive difficulty for early-intermediate to advanced players. Piano teachers and performers now have access to a varied repertoire of Chinese traditional opera and a stylistic and practical guide to performance. The goal of this study is to educate and inspire piano teachers and performers to understand the cultural significance of the repertoire, give culturally informed performances, provide an educational guide, and promote these underrepresented piano works. This study also investigates how piano repertoire incorporates Chinese traditional opera music and examines the educational benefits of selected works. Promoting informative teaching and pedagogical tools to help piano teachers use this music is another goal. This study highlights underrepresented compositions, improves the appeal of this form of music in China and abroad, and examines music education and cultural diplomacy.


© 2024, Mengyu Song

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Music Commons
