Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

David Martinez


In today’s increasingly diverse educational landscape, equitable communication is essential for fostering meaningful parent engagement and ensuring all students have an equal opportunity for a comprehensive education. However, language barriers can pose significant challenges for English Learner/Emergent Bilingual students and parents in the educational context. This improvement study underscores the crucial need for educational systems to address language barriers through targeted support mechanisms, such as quality language access services. The study draws upon the principles of improvement science to design, implement, and examine the transformative potential of a professional development program to enhance collaboration between teachers and interpreters and inform effective communication practices. The goal is to expand the pipeline of teachers prepared to meet the language needs of linguistically diverse parents and contribute to a broader discourse on how education systems can develop interventions for inclusive and equitable communication for all parents.


© 2024, Angela J Rush
