Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis



First Advisor

Mark Weist


Mental health challenges are prevalent among young people in South Carolina, with suicide being a leading cause of death for individuals aged 10 to 24. Ending the Silence (ETS) serves as a gatekeeper training to engage students, school staff, families, and community members in conversations surrounding mental health challenges and suicide awareness. The University of South Carolina School Behavioral Health Team (SBHT), led by Dr. Mark Weist, with funding from the South Carolina (SC) Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation (BCBS), worked with the South Carolina National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on a three-year evaluation of their ETS program. Results include key findings related to changes in mental health literacy, mental health knowledge, stigma against suicide, and qualitative reports from ETS attendees. A discussion of evaluation successes, challenges, and recommendations for ETS and similar programs is provided.


© 2024, Darien Collins

Available for download on Sunday, May 31, 2026

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Psychology Commons
