Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Paul Ziehl


This study aimed to develop a manufacturing plan for a Thermoplastic fiber-reinforced propeller blade for urban air mobility applications. This propeller blade offer a few unique challenges including the complex geometries of the blade. Another important aspect of the blade is using fusion bonding methods to increase the strength of joints in the product while reducing weight from fasteners and adhesives. This manufacturing process will be validated by producing a physical demonstrator to ascertain the efficacy of the manufacturing techniques used. First, the techniques that will make up the manufacturing plan must be selected. To do this, a review of available literature was done to determine the best methods for producing the complex shapes needed for the propeller blade. After this step was completed the component parts of the propeller blade were manufactured using the various methods determined to be must suited to the individual part. Lastly, in this study, the assembly process was developed, and the tooling was designed and is in the process of being manufactured. This study has thus far found the various subcomponent manufacturing methods to successfully create the complex geometries of the propeller blade by keeping the part within the tolerances needed for the fusion bonding assembly process.


© 2024, Robert H. Shumpert
