Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Dimitris Rizos


The use of Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) provides many advantages to the rail industry compared to the alternatively used jointed-track segments. However, one significant disadvantage is the development of thermal stresses longitudinally in the rail, which is not of concern when expansion joints are used. This is due to CWR’s inability to release thermal expansion in the absence of joints. The Rail Neutral Temperature (RNT) is the temperature at which the rail is in a stress-free state. A desired RNT is calculated based on local climate conditions and CWR installation practices are implemented to set the desired RNT at installation. Deviation of the RNT over time, along with temperature fluctuations and other contributing factors results in the development of longitudinal stresses and can cause track buckling or pull-apart, both of which pose significant risks regarding track safety and operations. Determining the RNT and the longitudinal stress in rail is important in effective rail stress management and preventing failures. Current methods used to determine the RNT in an existing track segment in service at any given time have many shortcomings, including the disruption of service, destruction of rail, and need for reference data.


© 2024, Brittany Stinson
