
Tieming Geng

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Chin-Tser Huang


Database security holds paramount importance as it safeguards an organization's most valuable assets: its data. In an age marked by escalating cyber threats, protecting sensitive information stored in databases is essential to preserve trust, prevent financial losses, and maintain legal compliance. In this dissertation, an exploration into the realm of relation database security is undertaken. The research introduces a cryptographic secure shuffling algorithm designed to fortify database security. Additionally, the dissertation presents a series of innovative solutions aimed at bolstering both the security and efficiency of the shuffling algorithm. Encryption algorithms have long served as a mean of safeguarding sensitive and proprietary data. However, the proposed shuffling algorithm offers distinct advantages over the encryption methods: Firstly, the shuffling algorithm preserves the original data, minimizing the likelihood of arousing suspicion. Secondly, it can complement encryption, offering an additional layer of data protection. Lastly, the shuffling algorithm can introduce the deception, thereby rendering certain adversary techniques such as honeypot is more effective. Nonetheless, whether employing encryption or shuffling techniques, data security preservation technologies impose a substantial volume of I/O requests on the system. To enhance efficiency, various endeavors have been made, encompassing the introduction of novel storage data structures, the adoption of column-oriented storage schemes, and the integration of computational storage devices. Empirical findings from experiments reveal that these design modifications notably mitigate the associated overhead. Simultaneously, efforts have been made towards enhancing the security aspects of the research, incorporating strategies such as attribute-aware bundle shuffling, multi-level shuffling, and matrix shuffling. All these efforts collectively contribute to concealing the traces of shuffling and render the shuffling process irreversible in the absence of the shuffling sequence. A comprehensive security analysis has demonstrated the cryptographic robustness of the proposed shuffling algorithm.


© 2024, Tieming Geng
