Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


School of Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

Linwan Wu


Podcasting is a rapidly growing medium that is increasingly substantially in terms of both audiences and advertising revenue. This study examines the concepts of native advertising, persuasion knowledge, narrative transportation, and media context congruity as they pertain to this emerging media format. Specifically, it examines the effects of ad type (host-read/announcer-read), message type (informative/narrative), and genre (news/true crime), as well as the interactions between them, on consumer responses. Consumer responses are categorized into those relating to the podcast and those relating to the advertisement. A 2 x 2 x 2 full factorial between-subjects online experiment is conducted comparing eight podcast advertising conditions. Results identify ad type as a moderator for the mediation of transportation between message type and the dependent variables. Native narrative ads resulted in greater transportation than non-native narrative ads. Additionally, congruity between narrative ads and media context was shown to create negative consequences for the effects of narrative transportation as resulting in PK mediation. Also, evaluations of source quality were found to be higher for narrative ads in informative podcasts than narrative podcasts. But these effects were reversed non-narrative ads.


© 2024, Colin Piacentine

Available for download on Tuesday, December 31, 2024
