Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Comparative Literature

First Advisor

Alexander Ogden


This paper examines the concept of archetypes in Soviet and Hollywood films, drawing perspectives from ancient philosophy and the thought of Carl Jung and post-Jungians. While psychoanalysis provides a valuable framework for understanding the human psyche and the idea of archetypes, it has its limitations and gaps that require further exploration. To address these issues, this paper proposes the adoption of a structuralist approach, with reference to the work of Vladimir Propp on the morphology of the fairy tale. Incorporating Propp's ideas can complement psychoanalytic theory and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying patterns and structures that shape texts and narratives. In addition to introducing a new theoretical perspective, this paper also proposes the development of a different archetype system, exemplified through the analysis of the Soviet film “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears” and several Hollywood films, such as “How to Marry a Millionaire.” A new archetype, “The Wild Card,” is introduced, characterized by unpredictable behavior and a proclivity for disrupting established norms. Overall, this paper argues that introducing new viewpoints and archetype systems can help establish the archetype as a universal unit of comparative analysis.


© 2023, Iana Guselnikova
