Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis



First Advisor

Jordan Sheridan


I have created my thesis body of work by researching children's book illustrations and distorted portraits by various artists. My illustrations are based on my book, The Adventures of Henry and Isabella: Battle of Proerable, inspired by the Disney films The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, How to Build a Better Boy, and Kim Possible series. My distorted portraits of friends and family represent their personality traits. Even though the illustrations and portraits follow the style of European artists Franz Marc, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee, they are distinguished from the artists’ styles. The book illustrations and the accompanying short story will eventually have wooden characters and environments for children or adults. Also, the portraits of friends and family can account for my experiences with them. In addition, seascapes of the worlds in my storybooks will be created using the style of Lyonel Feininger.


© 2023, Allen Michael Hopkins
