Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Anthony Plotner


To address disparities in post-school outcomes for students with disabilities, federal legislation mandates appropriate education programs to include transition planning and programs for students with disabilities. Because administrators are held responsible for ensuring appropriate educational programs for all learners including those with disabilities, it is important to understand their perspectives on secondary transition; however, research on administrators’ involvement in secondary transition activities is limited. Using a single-state survey, this study examined the perspectives of secondary school administrators on their involvement and engagement in providing effective transition programs and services for students with disabilities and their perceptions of barriers to providing and supporting transition efforts. Frequency of responses show the majority of administrators indicated they were highly involved in including parents and families in transition processes and attending IEP meetings and never directly involved with collaborating with community agencies to be actively involved with students with IEPs or in conducting secondary transition programs. Frequencies of responses also show the majority of administrators identified families not prepared to participate in transition processes as a significant barrier and absence of real-life instructional contexts (e.g. paid/unpaid work experiences) and lack of effective supports for students with IEPs from outside agencies as significant or moderate barriers. Implications for practice and future research are provided.


© 2021, Dottie H. Brown
