Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Theatre and Dance

First Advisor

Steve Pearson


14 Minutes in Purgatory is about the trials and tribulations of growing up female. Inspired by the Greek myth, Prometheus, and the #MeToo movement, this solo show takes a cold hard look at the social, economic, and cultural oppression of women. In the story of Prometheus, he was found guilty by giving the gift of fire to the humans. In 14 Minutes in Purgatory, the character is held in purgatory for the crime of giving wisdom to another generation of women, in a world of privileged men. Using real life stories, I was able to portray individuals that molded me into the woman that I am today. By using the Greek fable as a model, I was able to teach a moral lesson at the end of each story, in hopes of helping other girls find the importance of who we think we are, we become.


© 2021, Jennifer Moody Sanchez
