Date of Award

Fall 2020

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Yasha Jones Becton


This action research study describes how a web-based, feedback comment bank impacts online instructor efficacy as well as attitudes and perceptions associated with the online grading feedback process. Bandura’s work on individual self-efficacy, Tschannen-Moran and Hoy’s work on instructor efficacy, and Hattie’s work on collective efficacy, along with Wiggins and Hattie and Clarke’s work on grading feedback represent the core of the study’s theoretical framework. The study adopted a mixed-methods action research design to examine three research questions: “How does the use of a web-based grading feedback comment bank impact online instructor’s teaching efficacy?,” “How does the use of a web-based grading feedback comment bank impact collective teacher efficacy within an online university?,” and “How does the use of a web-based grading feedback comment bank impact online instructors’ attitudes and perceptions of the grading process?” Study participants included 18 instructors at a private university that serves a global student population. Quantitative data was collected via pre- and post-intervention surveys. Qualitative data was collected via open-ended survey questions as well as through informal interviews, conversations, and document analysis. While study results indicated statistically significant changes in Educators’ Sense of Online Teaching Efficacy and Online Grading Efficacy (evaluated on an exploratory basis only, given the study’s small size), no statistically significant changes were observed in Collective Efficacy in Instructional Strategies. Analysis of qualitative data yielded eight emerging themes, including positive feelings, expanded visions of feedback, mitigation of inconsistencies, increased personalization, efficiencies, appreciation for support, desire for collaboration, and desire for ongoing professional learning and personal development.


© 2020, Jennifer Schneider
