"An Investigation of the Impact of a Supervision Intervention on Second" by Brooke Wymer


Brooke Wymer

Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation



First Advisor

Dodie Limberg


Novice counselors who have high trauma caseloads are at risk for secondary traumatic stress (STS) responses, which can impact their ability to function effectively in professional counseling roles. Supervision is one factor frequently conceptualized to have an impact on STS responses in counselors; however, there is a dearth of literature regarding specific supervision interventions that are evidence-based to reduce or prevent STS responses among counselors treating trauma, specifically child survivors of sexual abuse (CSSA). Due to the absence of supervision intervention studies among counselors working with this population, the current study implemented an experimental single case research design to measure the effectiveness of an affective check-in supervision intervention in reducing STS responses in counselors working with CSSA.


© 2019, Brooke Wymer
