Date of Award
Document Type
Open Access Dissertation
English Language and Literatures
First Advisor
John Muckelbauer
This dissertation attempts to affirm a key set of practical terms in order to guide Composition Pedagogy. These terms include error, language, voice, teacher neutrality, and rationality. In recent years, many of these terms have been discredited theoretically; however, they remain dominant in textbooks and in our actual teaching practice. The result has been a significant divide between theory and practice, resulting in a cognitive dissonance between our classroom activities and our scholarly activity. However, by presenting each of these terms as dynamic and performative, this dissertation invites the field to find productive practical possibilities inside of them. Moreover, the deconstruction of each term results in a local intervention in the larger economy of force that have worked to divide Composition theory from pedagogy. The end result of these deconstructions is a reconsideration of Stephen North’s concept notion of lore as an attempt to offer phenomenological approach to the theory/practice divide that emphasizes the shared experiential world of the Composition instructor.
© 2018, David Stubblefield
Recommended Citation
Stubblefield, D.(2018). The Leap In Place: Rethinking Key Concepts In The History Of Composition And The Return Of Lore.. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from