Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


College of Education

First Advisor

Toby Jenkins-Henry


The researcher examined the impact self-regulation and metacognitive formative assessments had on self-efficacy through a mixed-methods design. The purpose of the action research study was to teach metacognitive goal-setting through a formative assessment framework in order to measure how students employed self-regulatory behaviors and if this affected their self-efficacy. The overall goals were to improve seventh-grade students’ self-efficacy and mental self-regulation in order to 1) discern how students are efficacious and how does it affect their output; 2) provide field-tested instructional strategies and assessment choices for the seventh-grade teacher team; 3) provide qualitative data to the school’s administrative team to use for course scheduling and decision making. Culturally and developmentally responsive formative assessments provided a framework for the classroom instructional practices. The work of Lev Vygotsky (1978) and socio-cognitive theory provided a theoretical framework for the study. The following research question guided the study: What are the impacts of a three-part self-regulation model and a weekly metacognitive self-assessment on seventh-grade students’ perceived self-efficacy? Working with a diverse population of seventh-grade students at a 6-12 charter school in South Carolina, the research addressed the role of self-efficacy in student self-regulation. Key words: action research, culturally relevant teaching, formative assessment, metacognition, motivation, self-assessment, self-efficacy, self-regulation


© 2018, Mary Virginia Roueche
