Date of Award
Document Type
Open Access Dissertation
Educational Studies
College of Education
First Advisor
Christopher Bogiages
This paper describes an action research study regarding the amount of time elementary school children have to engage in movement and play during the school day. The teacher-researcher focused on using transitional movement breaks before math whole group instruction in an effort to answer the question: How do various types of movement breaks during instructional transitions impact off-task behaviors among second grade students during classroom instruction? The data results showed that physical activity related to students’ abilities to stay on-task during instruction when regularly scheduled movement breaks have been implemented as transitions. Student off-task behaviors decreased after using a physical activity movement break for transitions.
© 2018, Windy K. Sizemore
Recommended Citation
Sizemore, W. K.(2018). Movement Break Effects On Second Graders: An Action Research Study. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from