Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Mechanical Engineering


Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Ramy Harik


This study investigates current practices of supplier’s delivery assessment so that a comprehensive index and a cost function model could be properly developed. Following a thorough literature review, a framework was created based on a penalty cost function that integrates both suppliers’ ability to deliver on time, as well as suppliers’ capability to deliver good quality. Afterward, suppliers could then be ranked and placed either in good standing, or transversely on probation. Underperforming suppliers face three potential outcomes based on current literature: (1) switching supplier, (2) increase collaboration, (3) maintaining the status quo. The decision vis-à-vis failing suppliers is based on an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This framework enables purchasing firms to assess their suppliers and take proactive measures against underachieving suppliers, which in turn also decreases the risk of supply chain disruption. Furthermore, a user interface was developed in order to help companies access the performance of their suppliers.


© 2018, Clint Saidy
