"Goodness of Fit via Residual Plots in Item Response Theory" by Bryonna Bowen

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis




College of Arts and Sciences

First Advisor

Brian Habing


Goodness-of-fit criteria developed for the evaluation of item response functions have been examined by many scholars using different theories and criteria. A number of potential graphical analysis approaches, such as residual plots, have been described in literature, but have received little attention from researchers. While many tests of goodness-of-fit are available, those that incorporate the analysis of residuals may be most useful. The unmistakable presence of a pattern in the residual plot for the logistic model item response functions even when we know the model fits raises a red flag up and calls for greater analysis. This study explores different methods to improve residual plots for a 3-Parameter logistic model and determine if residual plots are truly useful in determining goodness of model-data fit


© 2018, Bryonna Bowen
