"Teacher Use o One-To-One Ipads In The Classroom: Technology Integratio" by Patricia Barfield Boatwright

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Lemuel Watson

Second Advisor

Rhonda Jeffries


The purpose of the study was to investigate teacher perceptions of the implementation of one-to-one iPad use in the classroom to include technology integration, school level support, and teacher beliefs. The study explored the beliefs, attitudes and perspectives of eight elementary school teachers. Focus group interviews, single interviews, and classroom observations were utilized to gather qualitative data for this study. In the research findings, I presented participant descriptions and analyzed the data. The major findings that emerged from this study are organized according to the themes: technology integration, school level support, and teacher beliefs. Within technology integration, the categories that emerged from the data are first order barriers, time management, classroom management issues, and learning management issues. The second theme brought forth the categories principal support, professional development, and classroom management. Within the final theme, Teacher Beliefs, the categories that emerged are pedagogy, SAMR, and high stakes testing. The findings will provide teachers, principals, and school district personnel new insights into the impact of this one-to-one implementation.


© 2016, Patricia Barfield Boatwright
