"Imperative Risky Business: A Compelling Case for Using Critical Litera" by Candace Anne-Heather Lett

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Susi Long


Recent research documents the oppressive school conditions for Lesbian, Gay Bixsexual, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ) and non-gender conforming students, which can be detrimental to their academic achievement, as well as their physical and psychological well-being. This study explored ways that negative portrayals of LGBTQQ youth and homophobic and heteronormative attitudes might be altered through the incorporation of LGBTQQ texts and critical discussions surrounding the texts, media stereotypes, heteronormativity, heterosexual privilege, and gender in a high school Public Speaking class. The purpose of this study was to investigate ways that curriculum in a high school Public Speaking class might utilize these critical literacy practices within a social justice curriculum to focus on LGBTQQ and gender issues for the purpose of altering student attitudes, beliefs, and actions about LGBTQQ people and combat the victim stereotype. Findings indicate that the majority of students experienced a transformation falling along a continuum from new awareness about LGBTQQ topics to agency expressed through affirming their ally stance.


© 2014, Candace Anne-Heather Lett

Included in

Education Commons
