"Data-Driven School Administrator Behaviors and State Report Card Resul" by James Alan Spencer

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Zach Kelehear


The purpose of this study was to identify the principal behaviors that would define an instructional leader as being a data-driven school administrator and to assess current school administrators' levels of being data-driven. This research attempted to examine the relationship between the degree to which a principal was data-driven and the school's performance on standardized tests and state report card values.

The research questions are:

1. To what degree do current school principals in select districts from the Charleston area of South Carolina see themselves as data-driven leaders?

2. To what extent are the 12 specific behaviors that define a data driven principal, as self-reported, present in these principals?

3. To what extent is there a relationship between the data-driven level of the principals and:

a. Percent of students who pass their End of Course (EOC) test(s) in Grades 8-12

b. Percent of students in Math and English/Language Arts scoring Met & Exemplary on the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) in Grades 6-8

c. Percent of students who score Proficient & Advanced on the High School Assessment Program (HSAP) Assessment in Grade 10


© 2014, James Alan Spencer

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Education Commons
